5 Nintendo IP’s That Need to be Brought Back (Opinion)

5 Nintendo IP’s That Need to be Brought Back (Opinion)

So not a lot happened this week with Nintendo, so I decided to talk about 5 long missed Nintendo franchises that I’d personally like to see make a comeback on the Nintendo Switch. These are franchises in no particular order.


5. F-Zero

It’s been way to long since we saw this high speed racer. The last time we saw F-Zero was the Gamecube and we’ve been itching for a new entry ever since. I would be so cool to see how they would change the series and drive it forward (Hopefully with better voice acting). I’d also love to see what kind of influence Super Smash Bros. will have on Captain Falcon and the other characters.

Star Fox Zero

4. Star Fox

You may be thinking that it isn’t a long missed franchise because it had Zero release a few years ago. Though all Star Fox Zero was, was a slightly different altered version of Star Fox 64. The last time we’ve had a truly new Star Fox game was on the DS and we’ve been patiently waiting for a new main console release from this great series of games.

Image result for Wario land

3.Wario Land

This is a platformer similar to the 2-D Mario games staring Wario in has search for more money. This series has had many entries including on the failed Virtual Boy. The last time we saw the Wario Land games was on the Wii and ever since they have focused more on the Wario Ware micro game series, and I’ve been wanting a new entry to these games. Maybe with Wario Ware influences added?

Image result for Nintendo land

2. Nintendo Land

This is a one entry game that is a mini game collection that shows off of the capabilities of the Wii U game pad. These games (called attractions) are based around Nintendo games and franchises like Metriod, Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion, and Mario. This would be so much fun to see on the Switch with new attractions with their newer IP’s.

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1. Pokémon Snap

This was also a one off spinoff game similar to Nintendo Land. In this game to take pictures of Pokemon that are rated by Professor Oak. It sounds boring but is beloved by many fans and we have been wanting a remake or a sequel. If a Sequel were to be made I’d want to see all of the newer Pokémon added and the Alolan Forms interacting with their Kantonian counter parts.

So there it is 5 games that have been missed by me and other fans that we want to see come back. Tell me what you think of my choices, and what franchises or games you want to see come back. I hope you all enjoyed this list. I’ll see you guys later. Bye

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