Month: December 2017

5 Nintendo Characters That Would Make Awesome ARMS Characters

5 Nintendo Characters That Would Make Awesome ARMS Characters

Arms has been out for 6 months now and has been a lot of fun with the new party crasher events similar to Splatfest in Splatoon. Now with the 5.0 update on its way before the year ends , and with a new electricity themed character that we know nothing about. With all of this … Continue reading 5 Nintendo Characters That Would Make Awesome ARMS Characters

The Game Awards Nintendo Recap

The Game Awards Nintendo Recap

So last night was The Game Awards which if you don't know is an award show celebrating the best games from the past year with world premiere trailers (essentially the Oscars for Video Games). It was a lot of fun to watch for three hours with so many amazing trailers. Though I'm not going to … Continue reading The Game Awards Nintendo Recap