Super Mario Odyssey Review (Spoilers)

Super Mario Odyssey Review (Spoilers)

This week I finally beat this game and it was so much fun to play. The game was a great return to the 3D sandbox style gameplay that was perfected in Super Mario 64. This   review will have spoilers for the game so if you don’t want to have some aspects of the game spoiled leave now, but return to read this when you do finish the game. So lets start this review with the story.



So the story of this game is simple. When you start the game the first thing you see is a fight between Bowser and Mario with Peach already kidnapped, and is going to be forced to marry him. Mario loses and is flung off the airship (with his hat getting destroyed) landing in the city of Bonnet in the Cap Kingdom. Mario runs in to Cappy who also wants to go after Bowser since he kidnapped his sister Tiara (which is peaches wedding Tiara). The two team up to save the two people they care about (Peach and Tiara) by chasing them through multiple kingdoms where Bowser is stealing pieces to his wedding in their hat shaped ship the Odyssey.

Controls & Gameplay


I have played using all control methods (two joy cons, Pro controller, and sideways joy con) and I have to say that the best method of controls is the two joy cons which uses motion controls to do more types of cap throws like throwing Cappy straight up, down, or at different angles. The pro controller and horizontal Joy Con is fine but the motion control aspect isn’t their and isn’t as fun to control. Two problems I do have with this game is the two player, and the water kingdoms feeling like repeats. First, the two play isn’t that good since player two is stuck as Cappy which is very limited in movement, like when you capture some thing you can’t leave, and the camera is always stuck on Mario leaving the second player blind to what they are doing. I also feel like the Lake and seaside kingdom could have been put together into one single kingdom simply called the some thing like the Water Kingdom.

Besides these Mario feels great and being able to pull off insane tricks is awesome. One example of this is when in the Metro Kingdom I didn’t know how to get to a certain area so I took a Motor Bike to the top of a building, and drove off of it all the way to the separate land mass. These sorts of thing make the game so much more fun. Another thing I love is the captures which change the game a lot giving Mario abilities that he’s never had before like stretching, seeing invisible objects, and being a T-Rex.



This game looks amazing especially with how diverse the worlds are in their ascetic.A great example is the Luncheon Kingdom which looks very polygonal, has lots of lava,  and is very colorful compared to the Cap kingdom which has many hat shaped items, is covered in fog, and the ground is all black and white.


I love this game and have had so much fun with it. I still am going to have fun with this game for months looking for the many moons still left throughout the world. Is this a perfect game like how other reviewers are saying? No, this game does have some problems with the Two player and kingdoms feeling like repeats, but this game is nearly perfect to me. I think that if these problems were fixed then it would be Perfect. Anyway tell me what you think of this game, and if I missed any thing down below. I’ll see all you guys later. Bye.

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