Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct Recap

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct Recap

This morning there was a Nintendo Direct on exclusively Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and new updates in the game. If you want to watch the 16 minutes direct before this click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hb0KmH2WBQ. I won’t put story details in this so that I don’t spoil the game for people. With that out of the way lets start.

The direct starts with an overview of the world and backstory of the game. The first thing we are told is that through free DLC you can have a Japanese Voiceover with english subtitles on day one of the game. After they play a trailer introducing us to Rex and Pyra (our main characters) and we are shown how they met along with what the goal of the story is. A ton of new characters (as far as I know) are introduced to us which are Nia, Dromarch (Nia’s talking Lion), Tora, Poppi, Zeke, Pandora, Mòrag, Brighid, Vandham, Niall, Raqura, Bana, Eulogimenos, Amalthus, Jin, Malos, and Akhos. When the trailer ended (which is what I thought) a clip of something happening to Pyra played (I won’t say what since it might spoil the game for some people).The trailer looked amazing and show of a ton of new things.


When the trailer ended the direct when in to explaining what Blades, and Drivers are. Blades (from what I understood from the direct) are creatures who have magical weapons, and Drivers have the power to use a Blades power. This is possible by bonding with a core crystal, and a Driver can bond with multiple Blades. Through this information we learn that the blades you get in game are randomized, so if you try to look for a specific one it may take you a bit. We also learned of the animals of Alrest. The animals you find will depend on the location and time of day, if you are able to defeat a powerful and unique creature a tombstone will appear, and if yo ego and check the stone you will be able to fight the animal again. You won’t only fight animals while you travel you may also end up fighting other people.


Another feature in the game is blade arts which can effect the terrain of the environment, or increase stats. You are also able to make you Blades stronger through three methods. One way is through Aux Cores which are accessories. Another way is in Core Chips with increase the stats and/or the appearance of a Blades weapons. The final way is in an Affinity Chart which in the simple version is a skill tree. Another thing you can do with your Blades is turning them into a Merc Group and sending them out on missions that they will return from with exp., rewards, and a stronger bond.

After they went in to what you can do while exploring Alrest. One thing you can do is look for collection points where you can dig up resources. You can also do salvage points where you dive under the cloud sea where treasure lies. Another thing is if you don’t want to get lost you can fast travel to landmarks that you have found before the various titans.You are also able to go to various cities and towns different with layouts, and you can do quests that you can get rewards from.


In battle you can have up to three drivers in battle with you each with three blades. The only exception is Rex who can have a fourth blade for a special reason that I won’t get into now. Through dealing damage you can charge up even more powerful moves called Driver Arts, and if you fully charge up your gauge you can perform a special move with your blades, these Arts can go up to level four. You can tell you allies where they should use their supers which lets you strategize even more. To put together the perfect group of blades use the three types which are Healers, Attackers, and Defenders (or as they called them in the direct Tanks).  Depending what combination of Blade types you use it will give your Driver a different title, and your driver also get three Arts per Blade.


There are also three different types of combos Driver, Blade, and Fusion Combos. Driver combos are performed by chaining Driver Arts leaving the enemy stunned. Blade Combos are chained together specials (your specials or you allies it doesn’t matter) which can seal the enemies abilities, if you are able to accomplish this an elemental orb will begin circling your opponent. The final combo type is Fusion Combos which is combining a Driver and Blade combo together. On the side where your parties health is there is a party gauge which ca nbc used to revive allies usually, but when it is fully charged you can begin a chain attack which has you whole party use their specials. If you are able to fully charge your party gauge again you ca repeatedly chain attack your enemies to death. Today you are able to pre-purchase the game and the expansion pass which will give you new things as they come out ending in Fall of 2018 (as far as we know). On release day the game, the new Pro Controller, and collectors addition will all be released. The final thing shown new Rex costume in The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild. Coming out this Thursday November 9 in a new side quest.


That was every thing shown in the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Direct. Tell me what you liked what you didn’t and what you are excited for in the comments down below. I’ll see you guys later. bye.



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