Month: September 2017

(OPINION) Top 10 Games I Am Excited For or Want on the Nintendo Switch

(OPINION) Top 10 Games I Am Excited For or Want on the Nintendo Switch

Happy BatMan Day everyone, the Nintendo Switch library is steadily growing, and many developers are jumping on board with the Nintendo Switch. With many new games coming out and many already out I am going to list my top ten that I am hyped for or want on the Switch. Just remember that this is … Continue reading (OPINION) Top 10 Games I Am Excited For or Want on the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Direct Recap 9/13/17

Nintendo Direct Recap 9/13/17

On Thursday, September 13th a new Nintendo Direct aired focusing on both Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS. If you don't know what a Nintendo direct is it is a a live event streamed on YouTube where Nintendo has bulk announces, and updates for upcoming games for their systems, or shows off new hard ware. I am not going to cover everything in the video. If you want to see everything that was in the Direct click here. Nintendo Direct

Welcome To NintenNews

Hi, my name is Alberto and I want to share my love of Nintendo, their game, worlds, and characters with all of you. I'm going to share news like Nintendo Directs, make Top 10's, and start discussions with all of you about a variety of different topics like rumors, leaks, and other things like that. After every post, I'll watch the comments to see what Ideas you guys have, or if you have any suggestions for topics for the next post. So, I hope that you'll join me on this journey into the world of Nintendo.